I've managed to paint one up as a test scheme, looks like the Micropanzer store is shut for a while till after Christmas but i'll definitely be ordering some more.

Ground Zero Games have their Christmas offer up on the site here, order over £30 ex vat and they'll supply a goody bag of extra items and a voucher for next year. I've ordered a nice mixture of kit to get gaming with, especially looking forward to the Alien Mercenaries as from the pics i've seen they look like great sculpts.
Received an email from 15mm.co.uk this week as well to say they are going to post their Christmas offers on December 1st next week, looking forward to picking up some kit from them as I really want to see what the older Laserburn mini's look like close up.
Terrain wise i've picked up some 2x2 MDF boards from B&Q today along with some cheap poster paint and some spray on tile adhesive. I was going to use the adhesive spray to seal on the sand after glueing it with PVA to the board, hopefully get on to this tonight.
Managed to get some work done this week on a Fubar rules set for Mecha, I had been playing with a mechanic of rolling two different colored dice to get the hit location and damage roll on a Mech but it looks really messy on paper with so any tables, so i've reverted it to a 2d6 table for simplicity. Still playing around with the extra commands the pilots can use during a turn but I should have a workable draft by the end of next week if I can get on it.
Anyway, head down this week getting the Riavaui finished and getting some terrain ready to play on, next up: Rules!